Friday, January 06, 2006

1/6/06 Plans: more theatre than I can see...

Dates Company Production Location

Jan-Feb rehearse Shenandoah Shakespeare rehearsals: Tis Pity & Eastward Ho Staunton, VA
Jan. 19 Prison Performing Arts JC Acts 1-2 Bowling Green, MO
Tues, Jan. 24 Prison Performing Arts Macbeth Vandalia, MO
Feb. 2-3
(also various tour dates )
The Acting Company Macbeth Springfield OH
(note: Ron’s friend plays Lady Mac)
Jan 24-Feb16 Oregon Shakes. Festival rehearse Winter’s Tale Ashland, OR
Jan 17-Feb 19 Aquila Theatre Much Ado La Jolla, CA
Feb. 17 Aquila Theatre Hamlet Asheville (Diana Wortham)
Feb. 4 - March 19 Theatre for a New Audience All’s Well NYC
Feb. 4 - March 25 American Repertory Theatre Romeo & Juliet Cambridge, Mass
(Israeli director Gadi Roll)
March 24 The Wooster Group The Emperor Jones NYC
March 24-26
Humana Festival, Actors Theatre, Louisville (SITI's Hotel Cassiopia and 4 more)
March 22-April 9 McCarter Theatre Midsummer Night’s Dream Princeton, NJ (dir: Tina Landau)
April 4 - May 21 The Shakespeare Theatre The Persians DC
April 4 - June 15 OSF Andrew Tsao in rehearsal for MW Ashland, OR
April 11, 13-15 BAM Robert Wilson’s Peer Gynt NYC
April 14-16 Shakespeare & Co. Weekend Intensive workshop Lenox, Mass
April 21-May 20 Yale Repertory Theatre All’s Well New Haven, CT
??? thru May Wooster Group rehearsing Hamlet NYC
April 21-May 21 Target Margin Theatre Goethe’s Faust NYC
April 23-May 21 SITI Company @ Alabama Shax Fest. MND Montgomery AL
May 1,8,15,22 Classic Stage Company open rehearsals for Lear NYC
May 11-28 Burning Coal Theatre Co. Miss Julie (dir: Rebecca Holderness) Raleigh, NC
May 26-June 4 Stoneleaf Festival Asheville
May 26-June 12 Spoleto Festival Charleston, SC
June 6 - July 30 The Shakespeare Theatre Love’s Labours Lost DC
June 15-July 1 Unseam’d Shakespeare Co. Othello dir. by Javon Johnson Pittsburgh, PA
late June-end of Aug. Independent Shakespeare HIV1; Hamlet; AYLI LA
July 4-Oct. 6 Oregon Shakes. Fest. WT, MW, KJ, 2Gents (all playing in rep) Ashland, OR

August ??: Otrabanda reunion???

Oct 18-Nov 5th 2006 Invisible Messages (working title) by Proto-type at PS122, NYC !

???? SITI Death and the Plowman;Workshops (Intensive dates TBA)
???? Shakespeare Behind Bars (Kentucky Shakespeare Festival) Louisville, KY note: Director Curt Tofteland also directed C of E for SSE, Fall 05


Blogger Peter P said...

Graham - add to this: Invisible Messages (working title) by Proto-type at PS122, NYC Oct 18-Nov 5th 2006!

7:14 PM  

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